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Brook Forest
Beauty You Can Bank On

Brook Forest Conservation/Mitigation Bank 


The Brook Forest Conservation/Mitigation Bank includes approximately 224 acres of conserved land located in Valley Center, California within San Diego's North County MSCP. The Bank consists of a large, contiguous block of biologically-rich land supporting a diversity of habitats and native species, including 237 species of plants and 104 species of animals. The site supports an exceptionally rich avifauna, with 67 species of birds residing on the Bank property. The Bank has been preserved in perpetuity for the long-term benefit of these sensitive habitats and species. The Bank will also provide an important resource to allow both public agencies and private parties to mitigate their impacts by purchasing credits available within the Brook Forest Conservation/Mitigation Bank. The Bank occurs within a watershed containing designated critical habitat for state and federally listed species including the Arroyo Toad, Least Bell's Vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. It is anticipated that Least Bell's Vireo will recruit to the site in the future, and Covered Species credits for Least Bell's Vireo will be offered at that time, assuming federal and state approvals.


As part of Bank implementation, 22.8 acres of Wetland Waters of the US and the State will be re-established, resulting in 22.8 US/State Wetland Waters Re-establishment Credits. An additional 3.6 acres of Wetland Waters of the State will be re-established, resulting in 3.6 State (only) Wetland Waters Re-establishment Credits. Thus, the total number of Re-establishment Credits will be 26.4. In addition to this, 0.3 acre of Wetland Waters of the US will be rehabilitated, resulting in 0.3 US Wetland Waters Rehabilitation Credits, and 6.0 acres of Wetland Waters of the State will be enhanced, resulting in 6.0 Wetland Waters of the State (only) Enhancement Credits. 


The Brook Forest Conservation/Mitigation Bank will also offer 16.1 acres of Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub credits, 55.5 acres of Non-native Grassland credits, 18.9 acres of Southern Coast Live Oak Riparian Forest credits, 20 acres of Open Engelmann Oak Woodland credits, 65.8 acres of Mafic Southern Mixed Chaparral credits and 5.2 acres of Native Grassland credits. Some of these credits are not otherwise available within existing Conservation Banks in San Diego County. The wetland credits available will provide coverage into portions of Riverside County, thereby providing an important source of wetland mitigation opportunities in both San Diego County and Riverside County.


Mitigation Banks and Ecosystem Conservation Banks for the counties of San Diego, Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles.

Brook Forest Conservation/Mitigation Bank  ©All Rights Reserved 2016